COVID-19 Shop Policies


Mitigating viral transmission will be vital to protecting the safety of our staff and members of the community. The recommendations below are consistent with public health guidelines from the CDC and WHO. Procedures may be updated accordingly. The following protocols are to be followed at all times. They apply both to when we have restricted open hours and also whenever anyone is in the shop when it is closed (working on rebuilds, personal bikes, etc).

Personal Protocol
Staff should sign in via online visitor log every time they visit the shop, for whatever reason, to help public health authorities with any future contact tracing.

All staff and visitors are also required to:
⦁ Wear a mask covering their mouth and nose at all times (homemade/bandanas ok), in the shop, and in waiting areas.
⦁ Visitors will be expected to come with their own masks.
⦁ The Bike Project does not plan to offer complimentary/reusable masks at this time.
⦁ In the event that a visitor does not have or refuses to wear a mask, the staff will refuse service.
⦁ maintain a physical distance of 6’ whenever possible, in-shop, and in waiting areas.
⦁ wash their hands in anteroom sink when entering the shop;
⦁ avoid touching their face at all times, and
⦁ use hand sanitizer stations (two located in the shop) as often as needed/necessary.

⦁ Staff will coordinate to disinfect common surfaces (below) and tools (Part 3) on a first-in, last-out basis.
⦁ Bicycles will be disinfected after use, whether for test rides or on shop builds, or any other contact.

Common surfaces:
Doorknobs, cash register/computer desk, work stands, computer keyboard, computer mouse, Square/iPad.

Bike Surfaces:
Handlebars, brake lever/shifters, top tube, seat tube, saddle, and any other touched (or likely touched) parts.

Disinfection procedure:
⦁ Remove visible dirt and grease from the relevant surface.
⦁ Spray the surface with cleaning/disinfecting spray.
⦁ Surface MUST remain wet for at least 5 minutes.
⦁ Wipe surface dry with a paper towel

Tool Disinfection Protocol
⦁ Proper training/orientation of disinfection protocols must precede tool use.
⦁ Before beginning open hours or shop builds, shop users should gather the tools they think they will need since they will have just washed their hands.
⦁ When collecting additional tools throughout a work period, staff should be cognizant of whether or not they are touching other tools and how long it has been since they last washed their hands.
⦁ Tools used during a work session should remain on a cart for the duration of the session.
⦁ Shop users will disinfect the used tools (and the cart) at the end of the session before returning tools to their location.
⦁ At the end of the work session, users will wipe away any visible dirt or grease with a paper towel moistened with a cleaning/disinfectant solution.
⦁ The cleaned tools (and cart) will then be sprayed with disinfectant, ensuring that all surfaces are covered.
⦁ Tools MUST be allowed to remain wet for at least 5 minutes.
⦁ Users will then wipe all surfaces (tools and carts) dry.
⦁ Tools may then be returned to their regular storage location.